Sunday, November 21, 2010

How to change IP address

The real answer (for me at least) is different from the most common tutorials on the net, so here's how to do it successfully if you have a cable modem and possibly some DSL (untested) internet service providers.

1. If you have a router gateway, login to your router (this is done by browsing to, use the default password if you don't know it - google search your router model's default password.)

2. Find the MAC address on your router configuration pages, (if you are wired directly to the internet directly from your computer without a router you will need to do this on the computer instead)

3. Change the MAC address even by one digit and Save/commit your changes.

4. Once the saving is done you may require a restart of the router but your IP should now be changed (check via or similar websites or on the router itself)

Since every router is very different interfaces, default passwords and configurations this is hard to provide in screenshots or otherwise so the major ideas are here but if you have issues feel free to leave a comment.

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