Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Proteins - The whole truth

The term “protein” is used to designate a structure created from chained amino acids. We tend to use this word in general when defining the needs of the body, but is important to understand that your body is not designed to use and metabolize “structures.” Since your body is designed to use only the simplest of compounds and bio-available elements, it must break down (digest) these “structures” into the elements that comprise them, and then use these simpler compounds for its own needs.

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, lots of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and iron. As noted above, your body cannot use a “protein” structure. Therefore, part of your digestive process will break these structures down into their simplest form— into amino acids, the basic building blocks or material that your body uses to build its own protein structures. Amino acids are used to make repairs, to create new structures, to enhance immune response, to act as transporters and to serve a multitude of other purposes.

Digestive and metabolic By-Products of Protein


Amino acids = for building, repair, immunity, hormone production, transport, etc. Water Carbohydrates = secondary response Fatty acids = secondary response

Nitrogen compounds (nitrates, etc.)
Purines, pyrimidine, etc.
Uric acid, uratinim, etc.
Phosphoric acid
Sulfuric acid
Glucogenic acids
Ketogenic acids
Carbon dioxide


IN THE STOMACH VIA GASTRIC JUICES — HCL (hydrochloric acid) causes the conversion of pepsinogens to pepsin, which breaks down complex protein structures to proteoses and peptones.
IN THE PANCREAS — Pancreatic enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin convert peptones to polypeptides.
IN THE INTESTINES — Intestinal enzyme peptidase converts peptones, polypeptides and dipeptides into amino acids.

“Protein” is a word meaning a “structure.” Like a house, it’s already built. It has form to it, like muscle tissue. However, like a house, it is built from various types of building materials. Protein structures are built from building materials called amino acids. Amino acids therefore are the building materials that your body requires and uses for building (growth), maintaining, and repairing itself. It also uses proteins (amino acids) for immune factors, transporters, and catabolic factors. A protein is also a general word for the total nitrogenous substances of animal or vegetable matter, exclusive of the so-called nitrogenous fats.

Proteins, or the total nitrogenous (nitrogen-based) substance of a food, consist of a variety of chemical compounds of two main types: proteids and non-proteids. Examples of proteids, both simple and complex, are albuminoids, globulins, proteases, peptones, glutinoids, etc. Examples of non-proteids, or simple compounds, would include creatine, creatinine, xanthine, hy-poxanthine, amides and amino acids.

The human body requires numerous amino acids, and these are divided into two groups. First, are the essential amino acids, of which there are eleven. These are said to be mandatory for proper growth and repair. (Personally I do not agree with this conclusion as I have seen people with extreme cases of neurological weakness, repair and rebuild themselves solely on fruits.) Secondly, there are many nonessential amino acids the body also uses. The list at the right will show you both groups.

Protein structures also include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur and iron. As you can see, then, the word “protein” is actually an arbitrary word giving a “structure” to building materials. Protein is actually an arbitrary word that is assigned to any building material that the body needs. However, its factual definition is that of a completed structure, like tissue itself.

Amino Acids


Aspartic acid
Glutamic acid
Hydroxyglutamic acid

Digestion is necessary because the body can only use simple amino acids— the kinds that are found abundantly in vegetables and nuts. The liver can also produce its own amino acids and can synthesize even smaller nitrogencontaining compounds. The proteins found in meat must be broken down (hydrolyzed) into simple amino acids before the body can truly use them. I call meat “second-hand protein” because of the extensive digestion process needed to break down the “building” into simple “building blocks” or amino acids. Fruits, vegetables and nuts are much simpler for the body to break down, as these are basic amino-acid structures. It has been proven that a vegetable diet supplies more available nitrogen than a meat diet.

It is important to understand that nutrients act differently in an anionic (acid) environment versus a cationic (alkaline) environment. Amino acids become free agents for growth, maintenance and repair in an alkaline or cationic environment. In an anionic (acidic) environment they tend to bind with minerals, metals and fats, causing further toxic conditions in the body. This creates a loss of available amino acids, starving your body for building materials. You can eat all the proteins you want; however, your body cannot rebuild itself properly without proper bio-availability of amino acids.

“Bulk” type muscles, put on by high protein diets, will be lost during detoxification, as these are “stacked” amino acids not necessary to normal body functions. When protein breaks down, it creates sulfuric and phosphoric acids, which are highly toxic and damaging to tissue. It burns up our electrolytes to convert these acids into salts (ionization), thus neutralizing their damaging effects. Carbohydrates and fats create lactic and acetic acids, which require the same process, but are not as damaging. This is why we must replenish our electrolytes daily. The ionization and alkalization process is vital if you wish to save your kidneys, liver and other tissues in your body. Those who deplete their electrolytes without replenishing them fall into heavy aci-dosis, which can cause convulsions, coma and death. Cancer and other highly acidic conditions of the body use sodium and other alkalizing electrolytes at a very fast pace. This is just another reason to consume as many raw alkaline fruits and vegetables as possible.

Foreign proteins from meats, dairy products, grains, eggs, and the like, are abrasive to the mucosa of the body. This causes a lymphatic (mucous) response that can cause excessive mucus to build up within the tissues and cavities of the body. This mucus build-up, with the trapped proteins, fills interstitial areas as well as lymph nodes, sinus cavities, brain, lungs, etc. Pimples, boils and tumors are expressions of this congestion or toxic buildup. Some of the final digestive stages of protein-matter result in the production of uric acid. Uric acid is abrasive and irritating, which inflames and damages tissues. Uric acid deposits can create arthritis in the joints and muscle tissue. Uric acid causes gout. The more flesh protein you put into your body the more you work your immune system, and the more you invite the parasitic “kingdom” to grow inside of you. Many parasites (including many viruses, bacteria, and some “big boys” such as worms and flukes) feed on wastes from flesh-protein digestion.

Eating meat causes body odor from the rotting (putrefying) flesh within us. Meat can become impacted on the intestinal walls causing our mucosa and intestinal lining to decay along with the meat. It is important to note that putrefaction changes proteins into toxic chemical by-products. Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, do not cause body odor.

Proteins are acid-forming, which can create inflammation and can cause tissue breakdown —the opposite reason to why we are supposed to eat them. I’m not saying to avoid proteins— just to be warned about quantities and certain types. Diets rich in nuts, vegetables and fruits yield a very strong and healthy body, supplying plenty of amino acids.

The body cannot use “flesh-type proteins” (grouped amino acids) until it breaks them down into simple amino acids first. This process starts in the stomach where gastric juices of HCL (hydrochloric acid) convert pepsinogen into pepsin. Pepsin starts to break down these protein structures into peptones/polypeptides. This is an acidic process. After the stomach moves this “pre-digested” process into the duodenum (small bowel), the proteolytic enzymes in the pancreas (which are alkaline) start changing the polypeptides into peptides. Finally, as these peptides are moving along the small intestines, your intestinal wall secretes enzymes (peptidase), which finally convert these peptides/peptones into amino acids. This extensive process robs the body of vital energy, only to achieve “secondhand” building materials.

Plant proteins are simple structures of amino acids which are considerably less energy-robbing. Plants, being full of electromagnetic energy, counter-balance this energy need. Meat protein, on the other hand, is much more structured and electrically dead. This requires a much more radical digestive process, which robs the body of vital energy. Because of the high acidic content, too much meat protein has also been linked to colon cancer, the second largest type of cancer in America today. Thousands of people die each year from the accumulated effects of eating high protein diets. The liver, pancreas, kidneys and intestines are destroyed when protein consumption is too high. Twenty to forty grams of protein a day is plenty, but most people eat 150-200 grams a day.


It has been said that meat gives you energy. Since this energy is mostly from the adrenaline found in its tissues, this is only a stimulated energy, not a dynamic energy. If you’ve ever visited a slaughterhouse you will see and sense the fear that these poor creatures experience just before they are killed. Physiologically, this fear pumps the medulla of their adrenal glands, producing epinephrine or what’s commonly called “adrenaline.” Epinephrine is a neurotransmitter, stimulating energy through the nervous system into the tissues of the body. This is mostly what gives protein-eaters a heightened sense of energy. However, after years of eating meat full of adrenaline, your adrenal glands become weakened and lazy at producing their own neurotransmitters. This begins to lower your blood pressure. (A systolic blood pressure of less than 118 is low.) As we begin to pass our adrenal weaknesses down genetically, future generations may see multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Addison’s Disease, and other neurological weaknesses develop from a chronic lack of neurotransmitters.

High blood pressure can also be a result of adrenal gland weakness. When the adrenal glands become weak, we also begin to fail at producing adequate steroids (our anti-inflam-matories), because meat is highly acidforming (which creates inflammation). The body will use cholesterol in place of steroids where this inflammation is present. This becomes a serious problem because lipids, in the presence of aci-dosis, stick together and plaque themselves “in” and “onto” tissues.

Energy from eating meat can also come from growth hormones fed to the cattle (or other animals) for rapid growth. Energy should be dynamic or cellular, not created by stimulants. Dynamic energy comes from raw-food eating where alkalization, proper electrolytes, electricity, amino acids, proper synergistic compounds and complexes (vitamins, minerals, flavons, etc.) are found.


It is time for humans to stop the toxic consumption of animal products, which today are so laden with toxic hormones, antibiotics, chemicals and the like, that they have become time bombs just ticking away inside of us. We can lift ourselves up from decay and toxicity and enjoy the vitality and internal cleanliness that a raw fruit-and-vegetable diet will bring. Such a diet breaks the chains of anger and despair, freeing us into the light of vibrancy and health.

Try a six-week diet free of animal products and see the difference for yourself. It’s one thing to read and form opinions from conditioned thought. However, it’s quite another to experience it directly for yourself.

All life transmutes compounds and elements into other compounds or elements, although this process is not well understood by the scientific community, as of yet. Your body can and does create amino acids from carbohydrates and fats. Your body uses the constituents in your foods, especially those biologically suited for you, to maintain and repair itself

Nature will always have mysteries for us to seek. The mind, which is forever over-reacting, can keep the soul’s attention here in the physical world indefinitely. The mind is like the seeker after God, forever looking for truth when it is always right in front of him. The mind (intellec-tualism) always likes to tear things apart to try to understand how they are made. Soul already knows how things are made. Break free from in-tellectualism and enjoy the simplicity of nature and God. It will free you from a lot of wasted energy. Become a raw-food, living-food eater and enjoy vitality and robust health. You will be much happier for it


Research studies done by some of the world’s top educational institutions (including Simmons College and Harvard University, as reported in The New England Journal of Medicine and The Archives of Internal Medicine) have proven, over and over again, that meat protein is toxic to us when it is absorbed through our intestinal walls. This creates acidosis, affects an immune response and invites parasites. The following list will summarize what we have considered in the previous sections about the basic reasons to avoid meat and high protein diets.

  • A protein structure is not useable by the body as such, and must be broken down into its simplest compounds, called amino acids before the body can use it at all. This process requires energy instead of yielding energy. 
  • Many acids are created during the digestion and metabolizing of proteins, including uric acid (which causes gout), phosphoric acid, and sulfuric acid. These acids are irritating and inflammatory to tissues. They also stimulate nerve responses leading to hyperactivity of tissues. 
  • Protein is a nitrogen compound, high in phosphorous, which when consumed in large amounts, will deplete calcium and other electrolytes from the body. 
  • Proteins are highly acid-forming, lowering the pH balance of the body. This causes inflammation and tissue weakness, leading to tissue death. 
  • Proteins are not used as fuel by the body; they are building blocks and carriers. When proteins are broken down by digestion into amino acids, their main function becomes growth and repair of tissue. Simple sugars are the main fuels for the body besides oxygen. When we try to lose weight by burning proteins for fuel, this causes fat breakdown. However, it also causes tissue breakdown. You can destroy liver, pancreatic and kidney tissues by burning your building blocks instead of using proper fuels
  • In people who have adrenal weakness, a high protein diet causes the liver to create large amounts of cholesterol, which then begins to plaque throughout the body, especially through the vascular system, liver and kidneys. Stone formation also begins to take place in the liver and gallbladder. 
  • Animal proteins putrefy in the body causing body odor. This putrefaction causes a cesspool of toxins to build up in the intestines and the tissues of the body, both interstitially and in-tracellularly This not only creates a base for parasites to grow, but the acidity creates inflammation, which blocks cellular respiration, eventually causing cellular death.
  • High protein consumption does not fit our species, nor is it physiologically sound. 
  • Animal farming, as a food source, has devastated us economically, environmentally and spiritually. We are destroying our forests and green land to create pastures. This is destroying our planet in many ways. It affects the production of vital oxygen, diminishes heat protection, destroys beauty, limits erosion protection, limits our fruit and vegetable farming, increases toxic by-products of animals, robs topsoil and oxygen levels from grain farming, and destroys wild animal habitats. We waste thousands of acres in raising tons of grain needed to feed cattle and other animals.
  • High protein diets contain excessive amounts of epinephrine (adrenaline) and thereby create aggression, anger and adrenal failure in humans who consume these foods. 
  • Meat has been proven to cause intestinal cancer. It is suspected in liver and pancreatic cancers, as well. The cesspool of putrefaction that builds up in the lymphatic system is possibly the starting cause of lymphomas.
  • Meat-eating societies have a much shorter life span. An example of this is the Intuits of Northern Canada and Alaska whose average life span is approximately fifty years. Meat is nothing more than dead or dying cells, living in their own cesspool of stagnant, putrefying blood. And humans call this good nutrition.Meat stimulates, irritates and inflames the sexual organs, especially the prostate gland, leading to prostatitis. 
  • Today’s animal meat is full of growth hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, nuclear wastes, high levels of adrenaline, and other toxic chemicals from air and ground pollution. All of these compounds are considered carcinogenic. We find more cancer in cows, pigs and chickens today than ever before. And humans eat this. Some meat producers (farmers and ranchers) have also lost their integrity and sense of decency, and are grinding up their sick and dying cows, pigs and chickens and mixing this “dead,” often “diseased,” meat into their regular animal feed. This leads to “Mad Cow” and “Hoof and Mouth” disease. We see this now, especially in Europe, where meat growers have been feeding dead sheep meat to living cows. Cows are vegetarians. Hogs are not true meat eaters, either. This eventually leads to acidosis and disease within these animals, just as it does within humans. 
  • High protein diets lower manganese levels resulting in spasms, convulsions, neurotransmitter issues (myasthenia, S.O.B., heart arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation, etc.), neuromuscular problems, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease. 
  • Meat is full of dead blood cells (hemoglobin), which are full of iron. However, iron is a mineral, which if consumed in abundance can become toxic, especially oxidized iron (not plant iron). Iron toxicity creates a multitude of reactions within the body, including: 
  • Decrease in chromium (needed in insulin transport issues) 
  • Decrease in zinc (needed in insulin and energy production) 
  • Damage to liver, pancreatic and kidney tissue 
  • Lowering of calcium and calcium absorption and utilization Increase in sodium levels (hence creating edema) 
  • Increase in nitrogen and phosphorous levels (thus increasing acidosis) 
  • Dizziness, equilibrium and spastic conditions by decreasing manganese levels 
  • Meat eating leads to high blood pressure from sodium retention and lipid coagulation. 
  • Meat eating with vitamin C supplementation enhances iron absorption, thereby magnifying iron toxicity 
  • Red meat eating is linked to the increase of N-Nitroso compounds from intestinal bacteria, which can be cancer-causing to the intestinal walls. 
  • Meat eating is known to be one of the chief and most direct causes of tooth decay. 
  • These are just a few examples of why high animal-protein diets are destroying the human race. Wake up and enjoy life without animal products. Your body will love you for it, as it becomes odor-free and vibrant. Love your planet and its animals too. 

There is a myth about the need for “complete” amino acids or “complete proteins” in the human diet. We have struggled with this misinformation for years. Basically, the misinformation says that unless you eat foods containing all the essential amino acids in one meal you will not have what you need to create a “complete protein” and therefore your body will be protein deficient. This is one of the primary arguments for the consumption of meat and dairy products, or the consumption of soy products, beans, and white flour. Consider, however:

  • What is the diet of a wild horse, an elephant, or a cow? These are herbivores and their strength is well known. Their diet is 100 percent grass and vegetable matter. If they needed the “complete protein” that is claimed, they must be getting it from plants.
  • 70 to 80 percent of a grizzly bear’s diet is grass. Bears don’t eat much meat. When they do, it’s generally the fat (not the protein) structure that they’re after. Bears are omnivores.
  • We are the highest species in the frugivore category, which is not designed to eat meat.
  • Raw foodists who eat a balanced variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts are never deficient in the amino acids necessary for health. Quite the opposite. Plant amino acids are more energetic and easy for your body to break down and use. Meat requires a more radical and energy-robbing digestive process to obtain the amino acids that comprise it. The other important factor here is that meat protein leaves an acid reaction in the body, creating more acidosis, whereas vegetables leave an alkaline reaction, thus cutting acidosis. 
 Your body requires live foods to make it alive. If the components are not in fresh, organic fruits, nuts and vegetables you don’t need them! And besides, there’s nothing healthy about eating old, rotten, dead tissue—dead cells in stagnant blood

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