Thursday, June 7, 2012

Shell's Epic Private Party #Fail

(mirrored from

Youtube video

Last night Logan Price, a Seattle Occupier who's now living in New York, managed to infiltrate a private party thrown by Shell Oil at the Space Needle to celebrate the launch of its Arctic drilling program. He caught this amazing video.

He also has some photos on twitter.
Logan sent us this explanation:
“I guess the photo-op was meant to be a symbolic tapping of the Arctic. There was a ridiculous three-foot-high scale model of their Arctic drilling rig, the Kulluk, and the mini-rig had a tap to pump liquor for the guests.
“The guest of honor was an elderly Japanese man introduced as the original Chief Engineer of the Kulluk rig who used to work at Mitsui back in the '80s. But when the man went to turn on the ‘rig,’ the liquor went everywhere - and the first to be hit was another elderly guest, the widow of the man who'd actually designed the Kulluk back in the 1980s.
“The guy in charge kept asking the old engineer to fix it but he obviously had no idea how to turn it off. Shell's PR people got REALLY worked up, and the designer’s widow started yelling. At this point the guy who was presenting the new ad campaign told me to turn off my camera and got pretty aggressive.”
Logan (who grew up on Vashon Island) helped capture an equally wacky moment last year when Obama told him at a fundraiser that Bradley Manning “broke the law.” That's expected to have an effect on the army private’s case.

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