Sunday, April 25, 2010

Enable Wake On LAN Windows XP

In order to wake the computer from the Local Area Network you may need to check the BIOS to allow this but since there are too many different ones I will cover the Windows XP enabling (same with server 2003 and similar to older and newer versions of windows operating systems).
On your PCs Network Interface Cards (NICs) you require to "Allow this device to bring the computer out of standby", and here is how to do it:

1. First locate the Local Area Network properties, normally can be found in Control Panel > Network Connections (Fig. 1) double-click your network connection to get to the Status
Fig. 1
2. Next in Status click Properties:
Fig. 2
3. Now in the Properties click Configure:
Fig. 3
4. Now click the "Power Management" tab and select the check-boxes with the wake on LAN capabilities.
Fig. 4
Since with the Intel drivers this section looks different for me, here is a more common look for this tab:
Fig. 5
You will need to check the bottom two boxes and click OK until there are no more open.
And this will -in theory- allow you to bring the computer from a turned off or standby/hibernate state to a powered on and running state.

There are various ways of doing this: Make sure to record the MAC Address found in Support > Details of Fig. 2
Fig. 6 
Press Ctrl+c to copy these details and past them into a noetpad text file and save it for future references.

Next, there are many routers that have the capability to wake the computer's by MAC, either by default firmware or upgraded, in any case I prefer the software on a server in the LAN, so the while the rest of the computers sleep the server can be scheduled to wake them up via the WOL software which can be scripted in my next post.

1 comment:

fikret tursak said...

Thanks for this informative article. I had some troubles with Win 10. For example, after I upgraded it from win 8, my Wake-on-LAN does not work. Finally I solved the problem.
Here you can find how to configure Wake on LAN Windows 10

Hope it helps for somebody else who read this article.