str = str.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
But I went ahead and improved the concept with a simple function:
function backslash(str){
var str = encodeURIComponent(str.replace(/'/g, "\\'"));
return str;
Named it backslash for simplicity but it actually will clean up # $ % ^ &() and anything else like single quote ' and doble quote (normally worked already)
Now you just plug this in where you need to clear up, i.e.:
var note = window.document.ordrfrm.note.value;
or simpler
var note = backslash(window.document.ordrfrm.note.value);
Which ever will work even with getElementById and now it's easy to play with the note, user input taken like a champ nothing is screwed up when encounters strange characters (strange for javascript at least)!
hope it helps someone, if you like it or have questions post a comment.
thanks for visiting Edu Boris blog.