Sunday, November 21, 2010

How to change IP address

The real answer (for me at least) is different from the most common tutorials on the net, so here's how to do it successfully if you have a cable modem and possibly some DSL (untested) internet service providers.

1. If you have a router gateway, login to your router (this is done by browsing to, use the default password if you don't know it - google search your router model's default password.)

2. Find the MAC address on your router configuration pages, (if you are wired directly to the internet directly from your computer without a router you will need to do this on the computer instead)

3. Change the MAC address even by one digit and Save/commit your changes.

4. Once the saving is done you may require a restart of the router but your IP should now be changed (check via or similar websites or on the router itself)

Since every router is very different interfaces, default passwords and configurations this is hard to provide in screenshots or otherwise so the major ideas are here but if you have issues feel free to leave a comment.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

MySQL get Query took seconds time taken

Took a bit of time to find this online so here's what I found that works.
This is suppesdly from phpmyadmin (which is where I should've looked) but I was lazy to check there so found it online and worked great!

This is before the query:
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ',microtime());
$querytime_before = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);

**query and execution here**

After the query:
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ',microtime());
$querytime_after = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
$querytime = $querytime_after - $querytime_before;

I use functions so this is how I sent back the value:
return array("something" => $something, "qtime" => $querytime);

the function is called normally for outputing the results as well as the time
$thefunction = thefunction(whaterver);

inside the other loop I used this to collect the total queries time together:
$qtime = $thefunction['qtime']+$qtime;

After that, you can output it at the bottom of the page (or where ever):
<?php $strQueryTime = 'Query took %01.4f sec';  echo sprintf($strQueryTime, $qtime); ?>

The final output result will be :
Query took 0.00xxx sec

Let me know what you think in the comments

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Open directory folder via CMD in windows

I had installed the portable xamp version which was great for developing in various places!

Anyway this can apply in many cases but for this case I have to get to inside directory (F:\xamp\xampplite\htdocs\) as you can see it's far inside and takes many clicks, to save time I found a way to get there faster!

Simple: create a text file and type the following:
start xamp\xampplite\htdocs\

Save it as something.bat and place in the root of your flash drive, since they tend to have different drive letters it's best to keep the path relative instead of absolute.

When executed (double click or right click and run) this will open the folder in windows!

Great solution in my opinion, but let me know what you thought (in the comments below)

Appointment Tracking Calendar Program Software CRM

Been developing a CRM (customer relationship management) calendar software application program (in the cloud which means it's web hosted). The main goal of it is to track and manage appointments with additional components for customer relationship management.

It is currently in full production with the company, but we have a private beta version currently open so if you would like to know more please contact me at theborisedu at gmail dot com.

Mainly we are looking for feedback on the current version that we find extremely useful but we can customize the software further for specific needs.

Our main focus are small to medium business that has employees booking appointments for sales people. And if you are interested in a tracking software for both the sales people and employee organizational purpose, professionalism, mobility (anywhere there's a browser and internet: iPhone or other smart phones included).

Whether you (or someone you know) are in those categories and if you currently have a management system for some or all aspects and if you are considering switching or adding components of the business customer relationship managements. Or if you don't have any type of software management use at the moment and looking at options we think we have something great for you!

I would like to to hear from you or that someone you know, about your or their needs for the organization, more about the company and how it operates from a logistics and statistic level, and what kind of the organizing is done at the moment and looking for in the future.

Either leave a comment below or drop us a message (theborisedu at to get more information.

Thanks to everyone.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How to use LogMeIn - connecting to remote computers

Found an old tutorial and though it's probably somewhat outdated, maybe you can get a general idea or something...

Last updated: April 5, 2009
You will learn how to:
  • Create a LogMeIn account
  • Log in to LogMeIn
  • Access computers with LogMeIn

Follow this this link; Sign up, then go to step 4.
If the link doesn’t work, then follow the following steps.

  1. On a web browser, type and hit enter.

  2. Click on Create an account (Fig 1).
 Fig. 1

  1. Click on Sign up under LogMeIn free. (Fig 2)

 Fig 2

  1. Fill in your email twice, enter a password twice, choose Canada, and click Create Account. (Your email and that password will be used to login later – so don’t forget what you entered in this section!)
  1. Check your email and follow the instructions in the email to activate your account.

  2. You will receive an email with a verification link, click it. (fig 3)

Fig 3

  1. Once it is activated, let me know which email you used to register/login and which computers you need access to.

  2. Once I include your email in the permissions you will receive an email with the invitation to access the remote computers. (fig 4)
  Fig 4
  1. Click the link to accept the invitation. Enter you first and last name. (fig 5)

Fig 5
  1. Click Next. Now on the “my computers” page click the down arrow under Profile, and select Secondary user for (fig 6)

   Fig 6

  1. Now you will see all the computers that you can log into. Click the computer name if it is online. You will be prompted for a username and password which will be provided by the administrator.

  2. Once logged into the computer, you can remote control it by clicking the “Remote control” button on the left panel.

  3. Click “ok” and “continue” when and if asked while connecting to the computer.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How to record audio mp3 from computer

Thought this might be useful to someone...
If you have audio playing on your computer (even without speakers, just audio drivers installed) you most likely can recoding it. It's really simple!

You will need:
  • Working audio drivers (if listening to anything works - you have it!)
  • Audacity
1. make sure your audio works, if you hear any sound from sites like youtube, or even test using the sample music in my music folder, the speakers don't have to be in for this to work. Also check if you see the small speaker icon near the clock.

2. Assuming this works go ahead and install Audacity, once done open it and go to the drop down that will show 'Microphone' (or something else?) choose 'Line in' 

3. click the record button (big red circle near the play and pause) if you start playing something with sound (i.e. youtube, music) you should see the audio waves move on it. If not stop, choose the 'Stereo Mix' and try again recoding audio while it's playing. Every computer seems to have a different one that works for it and some have various options so play around until you get which works for you.

4. once done recoding what ever you can click the stop button (square) and now save by clicking file, "Export as MP3" (this may require some other dll but it's not hard to find on google.) name it and your done!

Now you have your mp3 of music from youtube or other places without relaying on third party websites to convert (although there's nothing wrong with them converting it anyway)
Enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments below

Saturday, November 6, 2010

change text color css onfocus onblur

this one seemed tricky but actually pretty simple, thought this code may look a bit clustered I admit there's probably a neater way since I only needed one place with this I didn't bother cleaning, if you do don't forget to hit me about it!

<input type="text" name="search" class="search" size="15" value="Search..." onKeyPress="if(event.keyCode == 13){ search() }" onblur="if(this.value==''){this.value='Search...'; this.className = 'unfocused';}; " onfocus="this.className = 'focused'; if(this.value=='Search...'){this.value=''};" />

This adds on to the previous post about search input text that will display "search..." and disappear when clicking it, this addition makes the text gray and back to black when use types into the box (on focus)

heres the css:

.focused {

try it out and let me know how it goes!